● Pairing Dongle with your phone or Cubo will require Switch-It®
Vigo Mouse (or Switch-It® Vigo Drive) to run on the computer the
Dongle is plugged into. This is to provide the Dongle with a
platform through which it can communicate with your phone or
the Cubo.
● If Switch-It® Vigo Mouse (or Switch-It® Vigo Drive) is not running
on your computer, no Pairing pop-up window will appear in which
you can input the pairing code provided by your phone or the
Cubo and the Network cannot be set up. Moreover, Cubo may
get stuck in this state of offering to pair with the Dongle and no
other device can connect to it, until this is resolved.
● If you're adding a second Dongle to your network, it too will need
to be paired with your Cubo through the same process described
Setting up the Vigo
The Vigo was paired to your system at the factory.
Important: For safety reasons, make sure to charge the Vigo with the
provided USB charging cable before the first use.