Driving and mousing with the Vigo
Switch modes with the Vigo
The default mode after the turn-on process is inactive drive mode.
Drive mode
To start driving, give the Headrest Sensor a short-press with the back of
the head (0-1 seconds) and assume a comfortable, neutral head
position. The (adjustable) countdown should allow enough time to do
that. It's best to take up this neutral position with the chin held up slightly
to make moving forward with the chair an unobstructed, comfortable
Emergency stop/Leave driving mode:
Push the Headrest Sensor with the back of the head with a fast (faster
than reversing) movement. The chair will react immediately to the push
of the sensor.
The chair stops when the head leaves the range set in the Switch-It®
Vigo Drive application or when the user is making fast, seizure-like