Link installation
The Link enables Switch-It® Vigo users to use their Vigo on a PGDT
Omni or IOM or Quantum Q-Logic 3 EX Enhanced Display or SCIM
Module or Dynamic Linx DLX-IN500 equipped wheelchair as a specialty
input device (SID). The Omni is a universal specialty control interface
that accepts signals from many different types of SIDs and translates
them into commands compatible with the PG Drives Technology R-Net
control system.
Before proceeding please make sure that one of the compatible devices
is already installed on the chair and working properly. For more
information on how to set up the Omni please follow the instructions of
R-Net OMNI TECHNICAL MANUAL SK78813/7. It is possible to set up
a control system so that it is unsuitable for some users or even some
vehicles. Although this guide contains recommended settings for Omni
for all of the above reasons it is important that you contact PG Drives
Technology if you have the slightest doubt or if you need any advice on
programming the product.