Before moving selector, moke sure needle is
fully roised.
Needle position
Most of your zig-zog stitchil")gwill be done with
the needle in the center (
) position.
Left (
) ond right (
) settings are used for
speciol stitch plocement.
Stitch width
To produce ony of the zig-zog stitches, the
stitch width selector is moved from its stroight
position (
i )
to ony of itsother positions. The
further vou move the selector lever toword the
right. the wider your stitch will be.
Adiusting stitch
Any stitch length setting from 1 to 5 will give vou
on open zig-zog stitch.
The higher the number, the more open, or
further opart your stitches will be.
The oreo between O ond 1 on the diol is used
for sotin stitching, a series of closely spoced
ploin zig-zog stitches thot form a smooth sotin-
Iike surfoce.