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Singer 5050 Livret D'instructions page 24


Winding a bobbin
Winding a bobbin ls qulck and easy when vou lollow lhe direclions below. Always wind lhe bobbin
belore Ihreading lhe machine and needle.
• Push in indenl (1) on hand wheel disco Thls wlll slop lhe needle Irom moving.
• Place spool 01 Ihread on spool pino
• Slide spool cap (2) lirmly over rim 01 spool lo preveni Ihread langling.
• l.ead Ihread Irom spool and snap into Ihread guide posl (3).
• Wind Ihread clockwise around Ironl 01 bobbin winder lension disc (4).
• Pass Ihread end, Irom inside, Ihrough small hole in rim 01 bobbin.
• P/ace bobbin on spindle and push il lo lhe righl.
• Holding Ihread end, slep on speed conlroller lo run machine unlil desired amounl 01 Ihread
ls wound. (Winding slops aulomalically once bobbin ls lull).
• Cul Ihread; push bobbin to lhe left and remove il Irom spindle.
• Trim Ihread end Irom lop 01 bobbin.
• Relurn hand wheel disc lo sewing posilion by presslng on side opposile indenl.
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