Switchblock SW2 = Upper red switchblock
Switch input 1 (CH1 & ST1)
Standard operation = factory setting
First pulse causes opening, the
next causes a stop, the next
closing, the next stop, the next
opening etc.
Channel separation operation: Only opening, only closing
Input: A pulse causes opening,
the next causes a stop, the next
opening again, the next stop,
In automatic mode a pulse
during the pause time causes
the pause counter to restart. A
pulse during the closing
movement causes a stop, the
next pulse re-opening.
Group garage operation with channel separation
Input: The first pulse causes
opening, any further pulses
from input 1 during the opening
process are ignored.
In automatic mode a pulse
during the pause time causes
the pause counter to restart. A
pulse during the closing
movement causes a stop, the
next pulse re-opening.
Dead man operation with channel separation
Input: By pressing and holding
down the pulse generator the
door opens. If it is let go the
door stops. In this case all the
safety devices are NOT active.
The limit switches are active;
automatic closing not active.
Radio not active.
No 3
Initial push with maximum force at each end position of
the door
Not active = factory setting
No 4
Pre-flashing function of flashing light, 2 secs. before start
of each movement
Not active = factory setting
Factory setting of BAS300K: The transmitter programming takes place
by means of the large button on CH1/St1 and the small button CH2/St2.
If a radio module is provided in the right hand slot (only BAS300K) up to
15 transmitter buttons can be programmed. The controller has 2
Switch input 2 (CH2 & ST2)
channels which permit the different operating modes, see description
DIP switch SW2 Dip 1+2. Two buttons are located on the right-hand
edge of the controller marked CH1 and CH2. These are the
programming buttons.
1. Press one of the buttons once briefly or until the LED beside the
Input: A pulse during
opening leads to a stop, the next
2. After this press your selected button on the transmitter which should
pulse to closing. A pulse during
the pause time leads to an
immediate re-closing in both
3. Done.
automatic as well as manual
4. If you want to programm additional transmitters start again at step 1.
operation. A pulse during the
closing movement leads to a
stop, the next pulse to closing,
Clearing the transmitter:
the next pulse to a stop, the
1. Press and hold down the button until the LED beside the
next to closing etc.
2. Done, all programmed transmitters on this channel are now cleared.
Input: A pulse during
opening leads to a stop, the
The range of the remote control system depends on the local conditions.
next pulse to closing. A pulse
Hold down the button on the hand transmitter (approx. 2 secs.) until
during the pause time leads to
movement of the door is seen.
an immediate closing in both
automatic as well as manual
Your remote controller is digitally coded, i.e. unintentional actuation of
operation. A pulse during the
the door drive can be virtually excluded.
closing movement is ignored.
Remote Control Transmitter: The lithium batteries should produce
power for up to five years. To replace batteries, use a screwdriver blade
to pry open the case along the side where "Open" is stamped on the
Input: By pressing or holding
back. Insert batteries positive side down. To replace cover, snap shut
down the pulse generator the
system changes over to closing.
along both sides.
If let go it stops. In this case all
the safety devices are NOT
Do not dispose of old batteries with household waste. Take batteries to a
active. The limit switches
proper disposal center.
are active. Radio not active.
Additional remotes can be purchased at any time for use in all vehicles
using garage. Refer to Accessories. The receiver must be programmed
to operate with any new remote.
button switches on.
function. A successful programming is confirmed by a "click".
programming button lights up (about 8 secs.) and goes out again.