To Begin Pumping
1. Grasp handle with
thumb in front and
fingers behind the
upper chamber of
breast flange
• Use a few minutes of fast, light squeezes to trigger milk let-down.
• When milk flows, use a squeeze, hold and release motion to pump milk or slow, strong
but comfortable squeezes.
• When milk flow slows, use faster squeezes to help trigger another let-down.
• Repeat above steps as milk flow changes.
• If discomfort is felt during pumping, insert a finger between breast and breast flange to
break suction and remove breast flange from breast. Discontinue pumping and contact a
healthcare provider.
Converting from Manual Pumping to Electric Pumping
1. Detach handle
collar from breast
flange and lift
piston out of upper
4. Insert tubing adapter into tubing adapter port on the Purely Yours Ultra electric breast pump.
2. Swivel handle for
wrist comfort.
5. Tilt breast flange slightly downward so milk
flows into bottle.
Watch your milk flow as you pump. Use it
as your guide.
2. Place diaphragm
into upper chamber.
3. Snap adapter cap
with tubing onto
upper chamber.
3. Center nipple in
breast flange.
4. Hold breast flange
to the breast to
make an air seal.