Remember these helpful tips when aiming the camera:
Point the camera in the same direction as the flow of traffic so that the back of vehicles are being
captured as they pass.
Aim the camera so that license plates are horizontally parallel with the blue zone as they pass through.
Minimize the rotation of the camera with respect to the plate.
While aiming, adjust the example plate at the center of the image towards the green boxes that appear
after each detection. Avoid the orange and red boxes.
If the camera is at the correct distance, license plates will be about the same size as the example plate,
as they pass through the blue zone.
In locations where traffic is intermittent, it may be helpful have an assistant available to drive a vehicle
through the estimated capture zone while the camera is being aimed.
Preparing to Aim the Camera
During the aiming process, the camera will connect to the mobile phone and stream live video over a Wi-Fi
connection. if the Bluetooth connection is lost, the mobile application will prompt to repair the camera.
1. Tap Begin Aiming in the Mobile Companion Application.
2. Tap Join to allow the application to connect to the camera over Wi-Fi and display the video stream.
If prompted, tap Yes to enable the mobile application access to the Local Network.
3. Observe the Helpful Tips:
a. Swipe to advance to the next tip until the Continue button appears.
b. Tap Continue.
Aiming and Securing the Camera
If an assistant is necessary and available to drive a testing vehicle through the capture zone, dispatch them
at this time.
1. Grip the camera with one hand while watching the video feed from the camera on the mobile phone to
adjust the aim.
Plate Filter
Reset Counter
Plate Filmstrip
Chapter 3: Hardware Installation
Turning off the Plate Filter stops
the colored positioning squares
from appearing in the video feed,
to prevent clutter.
Resets the current vehicle and
plate counts to zero.
A scrolling list of detected plate