Positioning of thrust tunnel
Several installation examples.
To achieve the optimum performance, posi-
tion the thrust tunnel as far forward as pos-
If, in addition to controlling the movement
of the bow, the stern of the vessel is required
to move sideways, then a second thruster
may be installed at the stern.
In case of a planning vessel the tunnel
should, if possible, be so situated that when
the vessel is planing it is above the water
level thus causing no resistance.
Installation of two bow thrusters in tandem
(for larger boats). In this case, depending on
weather conditions, one or both bow thrust-
ers may be used.
Set-up: 2 bow thrusters in a catamaran
We do not advise fitting 2 bow thrusters
into one tunnel; this does not result in
doubling the thrust!
vetus® Installation recommendations for thrusters