pH 7
All values agree. Device is fine. Possible causes:
➢ Incorrect manual measurement
➢ Outdated buffer solution
The value in the measuring cell deviates. Possible causes:
➢ Hydraulics (flow, filter, fresh water, bacteria in the suction pipe, etc.)
➢ Glass break of a sensor
➢ Electrical influence of measuring values / interference from other components
In the event of minor buffer solution deviations (e.g. pH 6.8 and pH 3.8) calibrate the
6.2 Errors in Redox
[?] In the buffer solution Rx 475 mV, the electrode shows a value of <425 mV.
[1] Check the temperature dependency of the buffer solution
30° C = 480 mV
For a buffer solution temperature of 10° C, the value 410 mV is just about OK.
[2] Buffer solution too old (more than 1 year)
[3] Replace Rx sensor if necessary
475 mV
All values agree. Device is fine. Possible causes:
➢ Incorrect manual measurement
The value in the measuring cell deviates. Possible causes:
➢ Hydraulics (flow, filter, fresh water, bacteria in the suction pipe, etc.)
➢ Glass break of a sensor
➢ Electrical influence of measuring values / interference from other components
pH 4
25° C = 475 mV
Pool probe
20° C = 470 mV
Pool probe
Measuring cell
15° C = 465 mV
Measuring cell