S07 • Speed (Fast strength).
This program is designed to increase speed in fast athletes and develop it in athletes lacking
the quality.
The exercise assumes a fast pace and the contraction is short, as is the recovery. It is usually
best to complete a three-week basic strength cycle of increasing intensity before using this
program. Then continue with three weeks of fast strength three times a week at high intensity
(30-50mA) during the contraction.
S07 Fast strenght
Biceps (photo 02/15),Triceps (photo 03/16), hand extensors (photo 04), hand flexors (photo
05), Deltoid (photo 06).
Abdominals (photo 01/20), Pectoral/Breast (photo 07/17), Trapezius (photo 08), Large dorsal
(photo 09), Gluteus (photo 19)
Quadriceps/Thighs (photo 11/18), Biceps femoris (photo12), Calves (photo13), Anterior Tibial
Phase 1
3 min. warm up
S08 • Explosiveness (explosive strength)
Explosive strength programs increase the explosive power and speed of the muscle mass,
with extremely short, strengthening contractions and very long active recovery times to allow
the muscle to regain strength. Complete a three-week basic strength cycle (S06) before using
this program. Then continue with three weeks of explosive strength twice a week. During the
contraction, the intensity must be the highest that can be endured in order to obtain maximum
muscle exertion whilst involving the greatest number of fibres (over 35mA).
S08 Explosive strenght
Biceps (photo 02/15),Triceps (photo 03/16), hand extensors (photo 04), hand flexors (photo
05), Deltoid (photo 06).
Abdominals (photo 01/20), Pectoral/Breast (photo 07/17), Trapezius (photo 08), Large dorsal
(photo 09), Gluteus (photo 19)
Quadriceps/Thighs (photo 11/18), Biceps femoris (photo12), Calves (photo13), Anterior Tibial
Phase 1
3 min. warm up
S09 • Endurance.
The Endurance program is used in sports to increase muscle resistance, acting mainly on
slow-twitch fibres.
Program indicated for endurance sports: marathon runners, cross-country skiers, ironman, etc.
Program duration: 34 minutes. Stimulation intensity during the contraction: if not particularly
fit, start with a low intensity then increase gradually. For practised athletes the intensity used
should be enough to produce visible muscle contractions. In the event of muscle ache after
stimulation, use the Fitness 19 program (muscle relaxant).
Phase 2
10 min.
14 sec. recovery
6 sec. contraction
Phase 2
10 min.
24 sec. recovery
6 sec. contraction
Total duration: 26 minutes
Phase 3
8 min.
10 sec. recovery
5 sec. contraction
Total duration: 28 minutes
Phase 3
10 min.
24 sec. recovery
5 sec. contraction
Phase 4
5 min. recovery
Phase 4
5 min. recovery
MNPG05-08 Ed. 12/10/10 Pag. 41