General data:
Water data:
Temperature during conductivity measurement: ___________ °C/°F
pH value:
Temperature during pH measurement:
Calcium concentration:
Total hardness:
Carbonate hardness:
Water complies with national drinking water regulations:
Water originates from a
Installation data:
Pipe material:
Has a test section been installed as per installation and operating instructionst:
Are other treatment units installed:
If yes, which type:
___________ µS/cm
___________ °C/°F
___________ mg/l
___________ °dH/ppm
___________ °dH/ppm
❏ public
❏ private
❏ Galvanized steel
❏ Copper
❏ Plastic
❏ Stainless steel
Brand: ________________________________________________________
Dimensions: ___________________________________________________
❏ yes
drinking water supply.
❏ yes
❏ yes
❏ no
❏ no
❏ no