This appliance is shipped from the factory with low and medium flame settings adjusted.
Each burner can be adjusted if necessary, but the procedures vary by burner type.
The side burners can be adjusted for the low level of the main flame.
The center burner's simmer flame (small center burner) can be adjusted.
Adjustment for Burners with single or dual burner rings:
1) Remove the knobs by pulling them straight up.
2) Remove the panel by lifting it straight up. If you must pry it, use something that won't mar
the finish.
3) For each burner to be adjusted, place knob back in place enough to operate the valve.
4) Light burner
For a side burner: set control knob to LO.
For the center burner: set control knob to SIM
5) Remove control knob from valve stem.
6) Use a screwdriver to adjust the screw shown in the illustration to set flame size:
Counter-clockwise to increase
Clockwise to reduce
7) When adjustment is completed, turn the burner off.
8) When all burners have been adjusted, replace panel and control knobs.
©2019 Hestan Commercial Corporation
- Counter-clockwise to increase ame size
- Clockwise to reduce ame size
Figure 27. Adjustment screw - center burner and stacked burners