4 What is an ion?
An ion is an atom or a group of atoms carrying an electric charge. Positively charged ions are
called positive ions and negatively charged ions are called negative ions.
How do negative ions clean the air?
Most particles in the air have a positive charge or are positively ionized, whereas negative
ions have a negative charge. Negative ions bond with positively charged particles by magnetic
attraction. When the air contains a concentration of negative ions which is high enough, it
attracts high quantities of these suspended particles. The particles then become too heavy
to remain suspended in the air. As a result, the particles are removed from the air, out of the
breathing zone and the respiratory passages where they can cause breathing difficulties and
health problems.
Advantages of negative ions
Negative ions raise the oxygen flow.
Negative ions clean the air by removing smoke and particles from the air.
Air cleaned by negative ions leads to greater vigilance, less drowsiness and more mental
Negative ions lower the effects of depression, regulate sleep patterns and improve air
Negative ions can neutralize strong static attraction from TV sets and computer screens
and lower the harmful effects on the eyes.
Negative ions can completely neutralize any static attraction, e.g. when combing hair, to
make the air more pleasant and softer.
The negative ion function of the fan can remain switched on 24 hours a day. Negative
ions contribute to a pleasant, healthy home climate and remove harmful particles from
the air. The negative ion function on the fan can be used, for example, in bedrooms, in
particular in children's bedrooms, to achieve a positive healthy effect