(6) Setting of the auto lifter function
When the solenoid is used with the air drive setting, the solenoid may be burned out. So, do not mistake
the setting.
When the auto-lfter devce (AK) s attached, ths functon makes the functon of auto-lfter work.
FL ON : Auto-lfter devce becomes effectve. Selecton of the auto-lfter devce of solenod drve (+33V) or of
ar drve (+24V) can be performed wth
(Changeover s performed to drve power +33V or +24V of CN37.)
Solenoid drive display (+33V)
FL OFF : Auto-lfter functon does not work. (Smlarly, the presser foot s not automatcally lfted when pro-
grammed sttchng s completed.)
1. To perform re-turning ON of the power, be sure to perform after the time of one second or more has
(If ON / OFF operation of the power is performed quickly, setting may be not changed over well.)
2. Auto-lifter is not actuated unless this function is properly selected.
3. When "FL ON" is selected without installing the auto-lifter device, starting is momentarily delayed
at the start of sewing. In addition, be sure to select "FL OFF" when the auto-lifter is not installed
since the touch-back switch may not work.
swtch 6 .
Air drive display (+24V)
– 8 –
1) Turn ON the power swtch wth
swtch 5 held pressed.
2) "FL ON" s dsplayed on ndcators A
and B wth a blp to make the auto lfter
functon effectve.
3) Turn OFF the power swtch, and turn
ON the power swtch agan to return to
the normal mode.
4) Repeat the operaton 1) to 3), and
LED dsplay s turned to (FL OFF).
Then, the functon of auto-lfter does
not work.