Blinker during pause time
Blinker usually operates during the gate motion only; however, if this
function is enabled, blinker will be on during the pause time too.
Start input function
This menu allows selecting input operation modes (see paragraph
"Activation inputs"):
Start and Pedestrian Start input standard operation,
according to menu setups.
Start inputs from terminal board are disabled. Radio inputs
operate in StAn mode.
Start impulse always controls the opening phase, Pedestrian
Start always controls the closing phase.
Manned operation; the gate will open as long as the Start
input stays closed and it will close as long as Pedestrian
Start stays closed.
Timer-operation; the gate stays open while the Start input or
Pedestrian Start input is closed; as soon as the contact
opens, the pause count down will start.
Stop Input
This menu permits to select the functions associated to the
command of STOP.
The input STOP is not available.
The input STOP stops the gate: pressing the command START
the gate continues the motion.
The command STOP stops the gate: at the next START the
gate starts moving in the opposite direction.
NOTE: during the pause, the STOP command will stop the pause time
count, the next START command will always close the gate.