The prepared retract unit can now be screwed in place in the fuselage.
Drill two holes for the rudder hinges in the tail post. Mark the position of the corresponding
holes on the rudder leading edge, as shown in the photos.
Cut slots in both sides of the rudder at the hinge positions, so that the hinges can move
freely to both sides of centre.
Check this by pressing the rudder hinges onto the steel pins glued in the rudder.
Apply glue to the projecting ends of the rudder hinges, and push them into the tail post.
Note that the hinge gap should be as small as possible, but the rudder must be able to
move through an adequate angle to right and left.
Tape the rudder to the fin while the glue is hardening, then remove the tape and carefully
pull the rudder off again. Drill a 2.5 mm Ø hole through the rudder for the double-sided
rudder horn.
Cut a 40 mm length from the M3 threaded rod supplied, fit it through the hole in the
rudder, and screw a plastic horn lug on both sides as shown.
Fit the clevis adaptors and clevises to the tail end of both rudder cables as shown in the
series of photos. Squeeze the crimp sleeves securely.
Slip the two prepared rudder cables into the fuselage from the tail end.
Press the rudder onto its hinges, connect the cables to the horns, and place the cables
under tension at the front end. Use a felt-tip pen to mark the point on the cables where
they cross the transverse holes in the clevis adaptors. Cut the cables to length and
complete the crimped connections as shown in the series of photos.
Connect the clevises to the arms of the servo output lever and screw them in or out to set
the exact length.
Drill a hole in the tip of the fuselage nose for the aero-tow release; the diameter should
match that of the release mechanism you intend to install.
Locate the plywood plate for the ON / OFF switch and the aero-tow release servo, and
place it in the front end of the fuselage as shown. Mark its position, and glue it in place
together with the aero-tow release mechanism.
When the glue has set hard, install the aero-tow pushrod, the servo and the ON / OFF
The canopy
The machine-trimmed canopy is supplied in the kit already bonded to the canopy frame.
All you have to do is glue the front and rear retainers in place (see photos).
The flange of the canopy can either be painted, or finished with a strip of white adhesive
The tailplane
Locate the machined opening for the elevator servo, and remove the covering film over it
with the tip of a hot soldering iron. Cut a tunnel for the servo lead through the high-density
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