When installing and setting up the control surface linkages it is vital to ensure that they
work smoothly, are able to carry out their full movement - including trim travel - without
being impeded, and are not mechanically obstructed at any point.
When you move the rudder stick to the right, the rudder must also move to the right (stick
left: rudder left). If you pull the elevator stick back towards you, the elevators should
deflect up, i.e. trailing edge up (stick forward: elevator down). Move the aileron stick to the
right, and the right-hand ailerons should deflect up, the left-hand ailerons down. The
Butterfly (Crow) landing system should be deployed when you move the throttle stick
back: the inboard ailerons should rise, and the camber-changing flaps fall. We
recommend that you assign the camber-changing flaps to a slider, and limit the servo
travel for the slider channel so that the stated travels are obtained at full slider movement.
Now all that remains is for all of us in the Graupner team to wish you many hours of
pleasure flying your new DIAMANT.
We reserve the right to introduce modifications. No liability for printing errors.