gEnErAl sAfETy
These safety instructions do not take into account
any contingencies or events which may occur during the instal-
lation, operation and maintenance of the devices.
local safety regulations, the observance of which is the res-
ponsibility of the operator, also with respect to the installation
Danger of explosion!
The device is a sealed system. It must not be opened
Danger of electrostatic charge!
Acute risk of injury from hazardous structure-borne voltage!
Risk of damage to the device due to short circuit!
Before starting work, switch off the power supply and secure to
prevent it being switched on again!
Observe the applicable accident prevention and safety regulati-
ons for electrical devices!
Danger - high pressure!
There is a serious risk of injury when reaching into the
Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pressure and
vent the lines.
Observe the currently valid accident prevention and safety
Danger of explosion caused by electrostatic charge!
If there is a sudden discharge from electrostatically charged
devices or persons, there is a danger of explosion in the EX area.
Take appropriate measures to prevent electrostatic charges in
the EX area.
Clean the device surface by gently wiping it with a
general hazardous situations.
To prevent injury, ensure that:
the system cannot be activated unintentionally.
no unauthorised changes are performed on the system.
only expert and instructed personnel with appropriate tools carry
out any work on the system.
you operate the Type 0780 only when it is in perfect condition
and in consideration with the operating instructions.
The general rules of technology apply to application planning
and operation.
The Type 0780 was developed with due consideration
given to the accepted safety rules and is state-of-the-art.
However, dangers can still arise.
PTB 03 ATEX 1030 X
damp cloth.