Step 4. Replacing Carriage
1 Remove carriage stopper.
3 Ensure that pulleybars are still on the floor on either
side of aluminum rails. Carefully turn carriage to its
side while ensuring rollers never come in contact
with the floor. Now, prepare for another person
to take hold of opposite side of the carriage.
5 CAuTIOn: When guiding carriage straight into
aluminum rails, move slowly and carefully as the
rollers are sensitive. Once rollers are within rails they
are protected.
2 Wipe inside of aluminum rails with window
cleaner and/or a dry cloth to remove dust or dirt.
Spray cleaner onto cloth first. Avoid spraying
directly onto surfaces, rollers or aluminum rails.
Insert carriage stopper in one of six positions.
4 Slide rollers into c-channels.
nOTE: To prevent damaging rollers, it is strongly
advised two people hold carriage. One person
guides rollers carefully into channels while the other
supports opposite side of carriage. Once rollers
are secured in channels, guide carriage into place.
6 Using a flat head screwdriver, replace stopper plates.
RequiRed TOOL:
f lat
head screwdriver