Table des Matières



Mentions & Avertissement
S'il vous plaît lisez attentivement cet avertissement avant d'utiliser le produit. En utilisant ce produit, vous acceptez
cet avertissement et signifie que vous avez lu entièrement. CE PRODUIT N'EST PAS adapté pour les personnes de
Ce produit est un système de pilotage automatique conçu pour les amateurs de multi-rotor graves offrant une excellente auto-nivellement
et l'altitude détention, qui prend complètement le stress de l'avion RC multi-rotors pour des applications à la fois professionnels et ama-
teurs. Malgré le système ayant un haut-système de pilotage automatique et de nos efforts pour rendre le fonctionnement de l'automate
aussi sûr que possible lorsque la batterie principale est connecté, nous recommandons fortement aux utilisateurs de supprimer toutes
les hélices lors de l'étalonnage et le réglage des paramètres. Assurez-vous que toutes les connexions sont bonnes, et garder les enfants
et les animaux au cours de mise à niveau du firmware, l'étalonnage du système et la configuration des paramètres. DJI Innovations
n'assume aucune responsabilité pour tout dommage (s) ou de blessures subies directement ou indirectement de l'utilisation de ce produit
dans les conditions suivantes:
Damage(s) or injuries incurred when users are drunk, taking drugs, drug anesthesia, dizziness, fatigue, nausea
and any other conditions no matter physically or mentally that could impair your ability.
Damage(s) or injuries caused by subjective intentional operations. Any mental damage compensation caused
by accident.
Failure to follow the guidance of the manual to assemble or operate.
Malfunctions caused by refit or replacement with non-DJI accessories and parts.
Damage(s) or injuries caused by using third party products or fake DJI products.
Damage(s) or injuries caused by mis-operation or subjective mis-judgment.
Damage(s) or injuries caused by mechanical failures due to erosion, aging.
Damage(s) or injuries caused by continued flying after low voltage protection alarm is triggered.
Damage(s) or injuries caused by knowingly flying the aircraft in abnormal condition (such as water, oil, soil,
sand and other unknown material ingress into the aircraft or the assembly is not completed, the main
components have obvious faults, obvious defect or missing accessories).
Damage(s) or injuries caused by flying in the following situations such as the aircraft in magnetic interference
area, radio interference area, government regulated no-fly zones or the pilot is in backlight, blocked, fuzzy
sight, and poor eyesight is not suitable for operating and other conditions not suitable for operating.
Damage(s) or injuries caused by using in bad weather, such as a rainy day or windy (more than moderate
breeze), snow, hail, lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes etc.
Damage(s) or injuries caused when the aircraft is in the following situations: collision, fire, explosion, floods,
tsunamis, subsidence, ice trapped, avalanche, debris flow, landslide, earthquake, etc.
Damage(s) or injuries caused by infringement such as any data, audio or video material recorded by the use of
Damage(s) or injuries caused by the misuse of the battery, protection circuit, RC model and battery chargers.
Other losses that are not covered by the scope of DJI Innovations liability.
©2013 DJI Innovations. All Rights Reserved.
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Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Naza-m v2

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