Carefully push the syringe with attached needle through the chosen peritoneal cavity. Take care
not to damage surrounding tissue or organs.
If effusion can be aspirated, leave the syringe in position and remove the needle.
Insert the guidewire through the syringe as far as necessary. The wire has a jtip and will not
damage surrounding tissue or organs.
When the guidewire is in position, retract the syringe, whilst holding the guidewire in place.
Make a 1,5 c m wide incision on the guidewire parallel to the planned catheter exit site. Take care
not to damage the guidewire with the scalpel.
Maintaining a distance of approx. 8 cm to the planned catheter exit site, make a second incision
(approx 1,5 c m wide) parallel to the first incision.
Securely attach the perforated end of the catheter to the intended side of the tunneler.
Push the tunneler with the needle through the second incision retrogradely and subcutaneously
to the first incision. Pull the catheter through until the polyester cuff is positioned in the middle
in the subcutaneous tunnel. Remove the tunneler from the catheter.
Please note: Take care that the tunneler passes through the subcutaneous skin tissue and not
through the underlying layer of muscular tissue.
Please note: To ensure the correct position of the polyester cuff and to remove any kinks, the
catheter will be retracted later on (see point 16). After implantation, the cuff should be positio
ned approx. 1 cm before the exit from the skin surface in the subcutaneous tunnel. This makes a
potential explantation at a later date easier.
Insert the 16 F r tearaway introducer through the guidewire in the peritoneal gap and hold the
guide wire in place. Pull out the dialator along with the guidewire, whilst holding the 16 Fr intro
ducer in position.