15) Allow the adhesive to cure.
5.3 Alignment
Grinding the prosthetic foot
Premature wear resulting from damage to the prosthetic foot
► Do not grind the prosthetic foot.
5.3.1 Bench Alignment
TT bench alignment
Bench alignment process
Required materials: 662M4 goniometer, 743S12 heel height
measuring apparatus, 743A80 50:50 gauge, alignment apparatus
(e.g. 743L200 L.A.S.A.R. Assembly or 743A200 PROS.A.
Perform the assembly and alignment of the prosthetic components
in the alignment apparatus according to the following specifica
Sagittal plane
Heel height: Effective heel height (shoe heel height - sole
thickness of forefoot) + 5 mm
Exterior foot rotation: approx. 5°
Anterior placement, middle of the prosthetic foot to the align
ment reference line: 30 mm
Connect the prosthetic foot and prosthetic socket using the
chosen adapters. The instructions for use of the adapters
must be observed.
Determine the centre of the prosthetic socket with the 50:50
gauge. Align the prosthetic socket centrally to the alignment
reference line.
Socket flexion: Individual residual limb flexion + 5°
Frontal plane
Bench alignment process
Alignment reference line of prosthetic foot: between big toe
and second toe
Alignment reference line of prosthetic socket: along the lat
eral patella edge
Observe the abduction or adduction position.
TF bench alignment
► Observe the information in the prosthetic knee joint instructions
for use.
5.3.2 Static Alignment
Ottobock recommends checking the alignment of the prosthesis
using the L.A.S.A.R. Posture and adapting it as needed.
If necessary, the alignment recommendations (TF modular leg
prostheses: 646F219*, TT modular leg prostheses: 646F336*)
may be requested from Ottobock.
5.3.3 Dynamic Trial Fitting
Adapt the alignment of the prosthesis in the frontal plane and the
sagittal plane (e.g. by making angle or slide adjustments) to
ensure an optimum gait pattern.
TT fittings: Make sure that physiological knee movement in the
sagittal and frontal plane is achieved when the leg begins to bear
weight after the heel strike. Avoid medial movement of the knee
joint. If the knee joint moves in the medial direction in the first half
of the stance phase, move the prosthetic foot in the medial direc
tion. If the medial movement occurs in the second half of the
stance phase, reduce the exterior rotation of the prosthetic foot.
5.4 Optional: Installing the foam cover
The foam cover sits between the prosthetic socket and prosthetic foot.
It is cut longer in order to compensate for the movements of the pros
thetic foot and prosthetic knee joint. During flexion of the prosthetic
knee joint, the foam cover undergoes posterior compression and
anterior elongation. The foam cover should be stretched as little as
possible in order to increase its service life. There is a connecting ele