Langue - REID LIFTING PORTA-GANTRY RAPIDE Manuel De Montage Et D'utilisation

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Il est essentiel pour la sécurité de l'utilisateur que, si ce produit est revendu en dehors de son pays de destination,
le revendeur fournisse les instructions d'utilisation, de maintenance, d'examen périodique et de réparation dans la
langue du pays où le système sera utilisé.
N.B. Appropriate PPE should be worn • Gloves • Protective footwear • Hard hat
N.B. Appropriate PPE should be worn • Gloves • Protective footwear • Hard hat
N.B. Des Equipements de Protection Individuelle doivent être portés
• Gants • Chaussures de sécurité • Casque
Trolley Stow and Removal
Trolley Stow and Removal
Stockage et Retrait du Chariot
If installed there may be location points on the upper and lower uprights to enable storing of trolleys. The lower
If installed there may be location points on the upper and lower uprights to enable storing of trolleys. The lower
upright is only accessible when the upper is rotated out of the way.
upright is only accessible when the upper is rotated out of the way.
Deux emplacements sont prévus sur les montants supérieurs des pieds pour stocker le chariot.
N.B. Larger PORTA-GANTRY RAPIDE variants do not have stow pegs to allow the trap plates to slide further up
N.B. Larger PORTA-GANTRY RAPIDE variants do not have stow pegs to allow the trap plates to slide further up
N.B. Larger PORTA-GANTRY RAPIDE variants do not have stow pegs to allow the trap plates to slide further up
the upright for increased collapsibility.
the upright for increased collapsibility.
the upright for increased collapsibility.
Remove pin from trolley. For sheaved
Remove pin from trolley. For sheaved
Enlever la goupille du chariot. Pour les chariots
trolley 2 pins need to be removed
trolley 2 pins need to be removed
poulie il faut enlever deux goupilles.
For trolleys stowed on underside upright, if stow pins available, removal can only take place when the upper
For trolleys stowed on underside upright, if stow pins available, removal can only take place when the upper
Pour les chariots stockés sur le pied du dessous, lorsque le portique est replié, le pied du dessus doit être déplié
A-frame assembly is rotated out of the way, or when gantry is set up.
A-frame assembly is rotated out of the way, or when gantry is set up.
afin de libérer l'accès au pied du dessous.
Stockage du Chariot
Trolley Storing
Trolley Storing
• Pour stocker le chariot sur un des pieds du portique, inverser les étapes 1 & 2.
• To stow trolley reverse process 1—2.
• To stow trolley reverse process 1—2.
• Effectuer le rangement sur le pied du portique avant de replier l'ensemble, le pied se retrouvant sur le dessus
• If storing on underside upright, store before collapsing or before the upper A-frame assembly is rotated to
• If storing on underside upright, store before collapsing or before the upper A-frame assembly is rotated to
empêcherait l'accès au pied du dessous.
its fi nal position.
its fi nal position.
• Bien noter le sens d'insertion des goupilles indiqué ci-dessus. Pour le pied du dessous les goupilles seront
• Note which side the pins are inserted on the upper upright as above. For the lower upright, pins are inserted
• Note which side the pins are inserted on the upper upright as above. For the lower upright, pins are inserted
insérées de l'autre côté pour ne pas occasionner de gêne au moment de replier le portique.
from other side to avoid interferences with folding i.e. from opposite side as above.
from other side to avoid interferences with folding i.e. from opposite side as above.
Rotate underside plate to open the trolley and lift
Rotate underside plate to open the trolley and lift
Ouvrir le chariot en glissant la plaque mobile à
off stow pin
off stow pin
l'arrière du chariot.
Tel: +33 (0)297 53 32 99


Table des Matières

Table des Matières