SNA60 is a sound level limiter which allows to regulate the acoutic pressure in broadcasting area using a movable sound
system (bar, party rooms, etc...). The technology used allows to cut power supply of the sound system installed after acoustic
pressure analysis (set of socket on the room).
The set of control carries out depending on time, according to one of Leq level configurated in the equipment . There exists four
parameters separated Leq levels: 2 are used in normal fonctioning (level day and night 1) whereas the two others enables a
functioning when it is opened( level day and night 2).
Code Priority 1 :
Code Priority 2 :
Level Leq 10 min :
Short level Leq :
Public level :
Sensor level :
Parameter "hour night day" :
This code allows the user modifying the analysis parameters and device configurations. It can be
known by himself or a other person who is skill to carry out modifications. A coded safety code is
available with key of page 1 during code capture. If you give us the code, we are able to return you
the associated code priority 1.
Reminder: code 1052 delivery. This acess code must be modified by
This code enables the user to restart the equipment in the case of a stiking because of error
provoked by user (general alarm, sensor link default). It can be known by himself or a other person
who is skill to carry out modifications. A coded safety code is available with key of page 1 during
code capture. If you give us the code, we are able to return you the associated code priority 2.
Reminder : code 1234 delivery. This acess code must be modified by
Equivalent continuous acoustic pressure level.
In case of SNA 60, time interval on which is carried out the calcul, is 10 minutes.
Short equivalent continuous acoustic pressure level.
In case of SNA60, time interval on which is carried out the calcul, is 1seconde.
Acoustic pressure level wanted (Leq) to carry out the regulation, it is calculated in place where is the
most exposed public.
Acoustic level pressure (Leq) assiociated to public level, it is calculated at the sensor.
"hour day night":
with this parameter we define, time on which starts the regulation in using night
control level.
with this parameter we define, the time on which the equipment starts the
regulation in using day control level.
SNA 60