i) Enter Rising/Setting Time for Sun/Moon or Sun Hours for Another
City or a Another Date
• To display data for any other country or city or another date (year/month/day), keep the button
„SUN/MOON" (B4) pushed for 3 seconds.
Then the country flashes in the display (see county/city list at the end of these operating
• Set the country with the button „8 (12/24)" (B11) or „2/
• Briefly push the button „SUN/MOON" (B4); the city flashes.
Set the city with the button „8 (12/24)" (B11) or „2/
• Briefly push the button „SUN/MOON" (B4); the year flashes.
Set the year with the button „8 12/24)" (B11) or „2/
• Briefly push the button „SUN/MOON" (B4); the month flashes.
Set the month with the button „8 12/24)" (B11) or „2/
• Briefly push the button „SUN/MOON" (B4); the day flashes.
Set the day with the button „8 12/24)" (B11) or „2/
• Briefly push the button „SUN/MOON" (B4); the weather station calculates the corresponding
data. During this time (a few seconds), only dashes will flash in the display area of the rising/
setting times.
• If the moon will not appear on a day, the rising/setting time for the moon will be replaced by
dashes on the display.
If the moon rises or sets on the next day, the corresponding display area shows „+1" instead
of a figure.
These data for rising/setting of the sun and moon are only approximates. The weather
station also cannot show data for all sites in Europe, but only for a few dozen cities.
If you need precise data, find the corresponding information, e.g., online.
" (B12).
" (B12).
" (B12).
" (B12).
" (B12).