Configuration word 4 ( Con4):
Digital input di1
0 W i W2/progr./ramp
1 W i Wext.
2 Outputs active i off
3 Automatic i Manual
4 Y i Y2 (Parameter)
5 Local i Remote Ü
6 Enable i disable *
7 Set 1 i set 2 Ö
8 Disable i enable ä
ÜLocal: values changeable via keys ID.
*With Con3 = .1..: Display of parameters after the last programmer parameters and configuration.
ÖControl parameter set switch-over (only contained in the options).
äWith Con4 = ...0: Function of key H can be disabled or enabled. Disabled: only automatic mode
is possible. Disabling has priority.
Configuration examples for Con2 Con3 Con4
1 Alarm 1: 10K below / 20K above set-point; alarm 2: program end; in case of alarm:
both relays OFF; interface: 9600 Baud; sensor alarm: X>>W; di1: program start;
di2: local i remote; H: manual i automatic.
Con2= 2130
2 Alarm: >-18°C, in case of alarm: relay ON; ramp function; sensor alarm: outputs
off; di1: W i W2; di2: W i Wext; Input 2: Wext 0...20 mA; H: only automatic.
Con2= 2800
3 Alarm: >1100°C, in case of alarm: relay OFF; Start-up circuit;
sensor alarm: X>>W; input 2: Yp 4...20 mA; H: manual i automatic.
Con2= 2300
4 Alarm 1: <580°C / >850°C, in case of alarm: relay OFF; alarm 2: 50K below / 40K
above set-point, with suppression, in case of alarm: relay ON; ramp function;
sensor alarm: output=Y2; di1: Y i Y2; di2: W i W2; H: Y i Y2.
Con2= 2327
5 Alarm 1: >1530°F; alarm 2: program end, in case of alarm: both relays ON;
sensor alarm: X>>W; di1: active i off; di2: program start;
input 2: Yp 0...20 mA; H: manual i automatic.
Con2= 2835
Pressing keys I or D changes the value (the longer the faster).
When pressing M the change is effective and the configuration
level is left.
Digital input di2
0 W i W2/progr./ramp
1 W i Wext.
2 Outputs active i off
3 Automatic i Manual
4 Y i Y2 (Parameter)
5 Local i Remote Ü
6 Enable i disable *
7 Set 1 i set 2 Ö
8 Disable i enable ä
LCL1= 10
LCL1= ----
LCL1= ----
LCL1= 580
lCH1= 850
LCL1= ----
Analog input 2
0 not used/ratio control
1 Wext. 0...20mA *
2 Wext. 4...20mA *
3 Yp 0...20mA
4 Yp 4...20mA
* corresponds to SPL... SPH
Remote: values changeable via digital interface.
LCH1= 20
LCH1= -18
LCH1= 1100
LCl2= 50
lCH2= 40
LCH1= 1530
0 Auto. i Manual
1 Y i Y2 (Param.)
2 Only automatic
3 Only manual
Con3= 3100
Con3= 0002
Con3= 0200
Con3= 0003
Con3= 0104
Key H
Con4= 0500
Con4= 0112
Con4= 0040
Con4= 4001
Con4= 2030