Korg Pa2X - Operating System Release 2.0; Various Modes; Quarter Tone Subscale (Sc) Presets; Quarter Tone Subscale Assignable Functions - Korg Pa2Xpro Mode D'emploi

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KORG Pa2X – Operating System release 2.0

Various Modes

Various Modes

Quarter Tone SubScale (SC) Presets

Four SubScale (SC) Preset buttons have been added to the Sub
Scale or Scale pages of the various operative modes.
SC Presets
in Style Play and Song Play mode
SC Presets
in Global mode
Four Quarter Tone SubScale (SC) Presets are stored in the Glo-
bal area of the permanent memory. You can select them using
the SC buttons in the display.
When the instrument is turned on, SC Presets are still turned
SC Presets can be modified and saved to memory. You can mod-
ify them in the Global > General Controls > Scale page. This
page has been revised to include the new features.
SC Preset buttons
Touch these buttons to recall the corresponding presets. Each
preset contains a custom detuning of each note of the scale
(shown in the upper scale diagram). It also memorizes the
selected degree(s) of the scale (shown in the lower scale dia-
When no preset is selected, the default scale is automatically
recalled. This scale assigns a -50 cent value to all notes, and turns
all scale degrees off.
You can select an SC Preset, also by assigning the relevant func-
tion to the Assignable Switch or Assignable Footswitch.
To save the current scale programming to a preset, while in the
Global > General Controls > Scale page, choose the "Write SC
Preset" command from the page menu, then select one of the
preset locations where to save the current settings (see "Write
Quarter Tone SC Preset command added" on page 14).
Upper scale diagram
Use this diagram to set the detuning of each note of the scale.
-99...0...+99 Note detuning in cents. Zero is no detuning, ±50
is a full quarter tone up or down, ±99 is nearly
one whole semitone up or down.
Lower scale diagram
Use this scale to turn detuning on or off. Applied detuning will
depend on the programming set with the Upper scale diagram,
or recalled by selecting one of the SC Presets.
When a note is detuned, a black dot appears in the correspond-
ing note of the diagram.

Quarter Tone SubScale assignable functions

Five new functions can be assigned to the Assignable Switch
(Style Play > Pad/Switch > Assignable Switch page) and Assign-
able Footswitch (Global > Controllers > Pedal/Switch/Slider
When the switch or footswitch is
pressed, the Global > General Controls >
Scale is recalled in the display.
SubScale Preset 1
Same functions of the SC Preset buttons
(SC1)...4 (SC4)
in the display.


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