sEctIoN 3
assembling front End parts
Be sure:
All O-rings are in place (torch head, nozzle, electrode holder)
Electrode holder is tight
Baffle tube is installed and tight
Electrode is installed and tight
Nozzle is installed
Refer to figure 2.1 for the assembly of the front end parts into the torch head.
First, inspect the torch body to ensure that no debris or o-rings are left inside. Remove any found.
Inspect the electrode holder to make sure that both O-rings are in place. Thread the electrode holder into the
torch head and tighten it firmly using a 3/16" (4.8 mm) hex allen wrench. The holder must be tight, but avoid
overtightening to the point of rounding-off the hex inside the holder.
Insert the baffle tube into the electrode holder and thread it into the torch head using the plastic hex allen
wrench tool. Take care not to overtighten the tube but make sure that it is secured.
Insert the insulator into the torch head. Make sure the O-ring is in place on the insulator so that the insulator will
hold its place in the head. Do not push the insulator too far back. When installed, the nozzle will push it to the
correct position.
Thread the electrode onto the thread of the electrode holder and tighten it in place with the hex socket end of
the plastic tool.
Press the nozzle into the front of the torch head. This will probably push the insulator further into the head. This
is normal. Make sure that both O-rings are in place and that the nozzle seats against the torch head.
MaKE surE poWEr sWItch oN poWEr sourcE Is IN thE off po-
sItIoN aND prIMarY INput poWEr Is DEENErgIzED. faIlurE to
INstall froNt END parts propErlY caN ExposE You to hIgh
voltagE or fIrE.
folloW all INstructIoNs IN thE approprIatE BooKlEt
pacKED WIth Your poWEr sourcE pacKagE. Do Not INstall
or attEMpt to opEratE thIs torch WIthout folloWINg
thEsE INstructIoNs. thE torch froNt END DEsIgN coNtaINs
coMpoNENts WhIch, WorKINg togEthEr WIth poWEr sourcE
cIrcuItrY, prEvENt thE torch froM BEINg accIDENtlY EN-
ErgIzED WhEN thE hEat shIElD Is rEMovED aND thE torch
sWItch Is closED.