sEctIoN 4
The torch is now ready for cutting or gouging operation. Refer to the instructions for your power source for mak-
ing any control adjustments.
1. Turn the gas test or gas mode switch to the test or set-up position.
The "CUT" position is to set the cutting plasma gas. The "START/SHIELD" position is to set the starting plasma gas and the
shield gas. If the starting plasma gas and the cutting plasma gas are to be the same and supplied by the same regulator,
2. Turn the power switch to the ON position. Gas should now flow at the torch.
3. Adjust the gas pressure settings at the gas supply regulators to the values given in the operating parameters
section. Turn the gas test or gas mode switch to the operating position. Gas Flow should now stop. Adjust
the current control to the correct setting for the nozzle.
4. Bring the torch into the proper position for cutting or gouging. For cutting, the torch stand-off (nozzle-to-
work distance) should be approximately 1/4" (6.4 mm). If possible, start the cut from an edge on the work-
piece. If piercing must be done, tilt the torch at an angle to deflect the molten metal away from the torch
and operator until the pierce is complete, then bring the torch back to the vertical and begin the cut. For
gouging, place the torch over the work at an angle of 35° to 45° from the horizontal.
5. Lower your protective helmet.
6. Push down and hold the torch switch button. The gas should start flowing. Two seconds later, the main
contactor should close and the arc should transfer to the workpiece.
Your power source may allow the preflow time to be extended longer than two seconds, usually up to four or five seconds.
If, at the end of the preflow time, the pilot arc does not ignite, release the torch switch and check the gas pressure settings.
If the pilot arc does ignite but does not transfer to the work, release the torch switch and check to see that the torch is in
the proper distance from the work and that the work clamp is firmly connected to the work piece.
Wear the usual protective gloves, clothing, ear protection and hel-
met. read safety precautions covered in the instruction manual
packed with your power source.
NEvEr touch aNY parts forWarD of thE torch haNDlE (Noz-
zlE, hEat shIElD, ElEctroDE, Etc.) uNlEss thE poWEr sWItch
oN thE poWEr sourcE Is IN thE off posItIoN.
use the START/SHIELD position only, the CUT position is not needed.