Connection Spa - Compact Kit
• Connect the skimmer outlet with the heat exchanger inlet.
• Connect the Spa floor drain with the filtration pump inlet in parallel to the rest of
the inlets.
• Connect the filtration pump outlet to the filter's selector valve (depending on the kit
model, this connection may already be made).
• Connect the selector valve outlet to the water inlet of the heat exchanger
(depending on the kit model, this connection may already be made).
If your Spa has the ozone option, follow the instructions indicated in the Ozonator
installation sheet now.
For the selector valve connections, always use plastic accessories, gasket and Teflon
tape. Under no circumstance should you use metal accessories or tubing, which
could seriously damage the plastic components.
Connection Compact Kit– Spa
Connect the heat exchanger outlet with the Spa's filter return nozzles, placing a
check valve in this connection.
Water massage circuit connection
Connect the pipe to the water suction drains with the inlet to the massage pump
(each pump will suction the water of 2 drains). Connect the outlet of each of the
massage pumps to the connections in the Spa battery that will guide the water to the
jets. Place a ball or guillotine valve in the inlet and outlet of each pump.
Air massage circuit connection
Leave the air pump inlet free and connect the pump outlet to the Spa's corresponding
Note: It is essential to install a 150mm siphon above the maximum water level and to
place a check valve between the siphon and the Spa.