• Editing the email list for receiving alarm notifications,
to be advised any time there is an alert, whether it be
due to the vibration sensor being activated, a connection
failure, a mechanical failure when opening or closing the
safe, a duress alert or the thresholds being exceeded for
temperature (60 ºC) or humidity (85%).
The Administrator will also receive a PUSH notification on
any mobile devices that have an active administrator
account (verified on smartphones with an Android OS)
each time an alert is produced.
• Setting the duress code, (from 0 to 9).
This code should be used followed by the user or the Adminis-
trator' s own code only when the safe is being opened under
duress, whether it be by keypad or by smartphone.
The system will then send a message to the server, which in
turn will notify all the users on the email list.
If the duress code has been used, the Administrator will
receive a PUSH notification on any mobile devices that have
an active administrator account (verified on devices with an
Android OS) to alert them of the situation, provided that they
don't have the app in the foreground.
• Modify the vibration sensor level (high or low) to provide
warnings of vibrations stemming from the exterior.