3. General and Function
The ISK signal transmission s��stem solves the problem o� connecting moveable sensors to a stationar�� evalua-
tion s��stem without mechanical stress. Communication between the moveable sensors and the electronic
evaluation s��stem is based on induction. To achieve this, the monitoring electronics induce a �requenc�� on a
coil core, which is integrated in a closed conductor loop.
The second coil core, to which the moveable sensors are connected, receives this �requenc�� and sends cor-
responding �eedback to the electronic evaluation s��stem in the event o� cable break or actuation o� a sensor.
The compact and eas��‑to‑install sa�et�� rela�� is designed �or outdoor use and can be operated with 230 V
mains voltage or 24 V AC/DC.
Up to �our sa�et�� contact edge circuits can be connected to the switching unit. Two channels (SCE opening
movement and SCE closing movement) are available �or the sa�et�� contact edges (SCE) on the gate lea�; two
channels are also available �or the sa�et�� contact edges on the leading pillar. The signal transmission s��stem
monitors the travelling sa�et�� contact edges on the gate lea� without contact and without abrasion. The
stationar�� sa�et�� contact edges are connected directl�� to the switching unit.
The switching unit continuousl�� monitors these �our sa�et�� contact edge circuits �or actuation or interruption
(cable break). In the event o� a �ault, one o� the two stop commands (stop in the opening direction or stop in
the closing direction) is issued to the respective sa�et�� contact edge circuit. A terminating resistor is integra-
ted into the end edge o� the relevant sa�et�� contact edge circuit in order to enable the standb�� current o� the
entire s��stem to be monitored. I� the specified standb�� current is flowing, the output rela��s are activated and
the switching contacts are closed. I� the switching element is actuated or the sensor circuit is interrupted,
the rela�� switching contacts open.
The switching states o� the rela��s and the applied operating voltage are indicated b�� LEDs.
4. Proper use
The ISK 71‑242 (ISK 71‑942) switching unit can onl�� �ulfil its sa�et��‑related task i� used properl��.
The ISK 71‑242 (ISK 71‑942) sa�et�� transmission s��stem is designed �or evaluating stationar�� and travelling
sa�et�� contact edges with constant 8.2 k٠resistance.
An�� uses above and be��ond these uses constitute improper use. The manu�acturer assumes no liabilit�� �or
damages arising �rom improper use.
The device ma�� onl�� be used in special applications with the manu�acturer's express consent.