Click on the 'text+' node icon from the toolbar of commonly used nodes and drag it to
the node panel near the 'tracker' node. Connect the 'text' output square to the green
foreground input on the 'tracker'.
Click on the 'tracker' node and type '1' so you can see the merged results on your left
hand viewer. In the 'tracker' inspector panel, click on the 'operations' tab. Click the
menu next to operation and select 'match move'.
Click the 'text' node to reveal the properties in the inspector. Type your text into the
text box and change the font, color and size to suit your composition.
This will apply the tracking position data from your tracker to your text. If you want to
change the text offset, click on the 'trackers' tab back in the inspector panel and use
the x and y offset scroll wheels to modify the position.
Scroll wheels at the bottom of the tracker inspector
panel let you adjust the offset position for the text.
Now you can play back your composition and see your text attached to the object you
have tracked!
The green square is the tracker's current position along the green path,
and the red dashed line is the offset position used to animate the text.
Using DaVinci Resolve