1.3 Selection keys
Direct conversion mm/in or in/mm
Choice of the resolution
0.001 – 0.0001 mm / 0.0001 - 0.00001 ''
Choice of measuring direction
+ / -
Choice of measuring mode
Rel (relative) or Abs (absolute)
1.4 Zero setting or preset value setting key
Quick pressure : activate the zero setting or the value of memorized
Long pressure : activate the preset input display.
Advise: When measuring, it is recommended to check regularly the
1.5 Print key
Quick pressure : Send the displayed value on RS-232-C port.
1.6 Introduction of preset value keys
reference (zero or pre-selected value)
move the selection of a digit from left to right.
change the digit from 1 to 9 .
The selection of the sign +/- must be done in the first digit of
the display. (left)
To memorize the value, press the preset key.
* Maximum value of Preset : +/- 400mm / 15''