First Section - FOR THE USER
The dishwashing/Glasswashing machine can wash up to 960/320 dishes per hour.
The machine protection degree is IP21, therefore it should not be washed with direct high pressure jet water;
The correct placing of the objects is an essential condition for a good washing-up result;
We suggest to descale dishes, from time to time, in order to remove calcareous and/or starchy sediments
by soaking it in suitable solutions suggested by your cleansing agent supplier.
If you need to buy new dishes remember the following:
Dishes and cups: preference must be given to china or non-porous pottery articles, with smooth surface.
Glasses: choose a glass suitable to be washed in dish-washing machines. Surfaces must be smooth and
bottoms as flat as possible.
the cock is open;
the overflow are in
the wash arm and the rinse arm are free to
rinse aid and washing powder dispenser
containers are loaded.
Place the dishes in the basket minding to
previously remove all solid waste and fat.
Do previously soak the cutlery and if necessary the
plates too, in case they are washed after long time
since the use. Do not overload baskets, dishes must
not be placed one upon the other, water must have
the way to run on each part of it.
For a correct positioning of the dishes see the specific
Turn on the machine by wall switch and
press button "A" that you can find on the control
panel (DIS.1).
At this moment thermometer displays light up and the
tank fills up. When the tank is full the control lamp for
cycle "2" lights up.
Open the mashine hood and introduce the
basket in the dishwasher.
The control lamp "E" will flash in case the hood of the
dishwasher is open.
Before you start the cycle be sure that the control lamp
"D" is flashing. This means that the water for
washing cycle and rinsing water temperature reached
the ideal temperature for working.
Choose the washing period cycle and push button
"B" between the following items:
- lamp 1 flashing – short cycle of 1 minute
- lamp 2 flashing – medium cycle of 2 minutes
- lamps 1 and 2 lightening at the same time:
long cycle of 3 minutes.
The washing period cycle has to be chosen regarding
the dirt that has to be removed from the dishes.
E –
Close the dishwasher hood.
The dishwasher starts the washing cycle of the
length you chose. In addition to this length of time there
will be a pause of 5 seconds and a rinsing period of 23
seconds with clean water at
The control cycle lamps will be flashing until the end
of the complete washing period. As the washing
period finishes, control lamps stop lightening.
It is possible to interrupt the washing cycle at any time
simply pushing again button "B".
The lighting of the control lamp "D" means that the
water has reached the needed temperature
90°C (180÷195°F).
The rinsing will start working only when the needed
temperature is reached. That means the washing cycle
length you chose will be extended until the reachig of
the exact temperature (thermocontrol).
Endless cycle (maximum 15 minutes) : the hood
being closed and the cycle put on (any cycle), keep the
button "B" pressed for 3 seconds: lamps 1 and 2 will
flash at the same time (thermocontrol excluded); the
cycle can be interrupted at any time pressing again
button "C" that will let final sequences start.
Stand-by : the hood being open, keep the button
"B" pressed for 3 seconds (lamp
lightening): if you then close the hood, the machine
does not start the washing cycle keeping heating
functions still working. To start the cycle press button
about 85° to 90°C
85° to
"E" will stop