Dear Customers...
...with your purchase of this tubular motor, you have decided for a quality product
manufactured by RADEMACHER. We would like to thank you for your confidence.
The new RADEMACHER tubular motors have been designed in an effort to
the graetest possible ease of operation. With uncompromising quality requirements,
after extensive test series, we are proud to present this innovative product to you.
All of our highly qualified staff at RADEMACHER
stand behind this product.
These instructions...
...describe how to install, connect and operate series RTSS ... and RTSM ...
RADEMACHER tubular motors.
Before you begin work, please read these instructions all the way through and
follow all of the safety instructions.
Please save these instructions and give them to any future owners.
For damage resulting from noncompliance with these instructions and safety instruc-
tions, the guarantee is void. We assume no liability for any consequent damage.
Key to Symbols
Danger of fatal electric shock
This sign warns of danger when working on electrical connections, components etc.
It requires that safety precautions be taken to protect the health and life of the
person concerned.
This concerns your safety
Please pay particular attention to and carefully follow all instructions with this symbol.
CE Mark and Conformity
This present product complies with the requirements of the applicable european and
national directives.
The conformity has been proved and the corresponding declarations and documen-
tation are available on file at the manufacturer's premises.
This symbol advises of malpractices that can cause damage to people
and property.
This is to draw your attention to information which works is important to ensure
trouble-free operation.