1. Place motor in the stowed position.
2. Unthread the composite rod from the bracket and attach bracket to the bottom of the Bowguard using the 5/16" cap screws
and nuts. The nuts fi t into pocket on the inside of the Bowguard behind the spring.
NOTE: The bracket can be installed on the left or right side of the Bowguard.
3. Pull the bumper off the stabilizer rod and place the rod next to the bracket as shown in illustration.
4. Place the threaded end down onto the deck surface and mark the rod 3/4" above the top of the bracket.
5. Cut the rod to the mark and round the cut edge with a fi le or sandpaper.
6. Install the bottom bumper to the stabilizer rod and thread the rod into the bracket.
7. Adjust the stabilizer rod up or down to so that the tip just touches the support surface. See illustration below.
WARNING: Adjusting the rod too tightly removes the end play needed for proper pin engagement and doing so could
prevent the mount from fully latching in the stowed position. If installed correctly, the rod tip should lift off the deck about
1/4" without the mount unlatching.
8. Once adjusted, tighten the jam nut against the bracket, which will prevent the rod from turning.
9. Install top cap if threads are exposed.
Stabilizer Rod
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Stabilizer Bracket
Threaded End
Stabilizer Rod
Bottom Bumper
©2017 Johnson Outdoors Marine Electronics, Inc.