Pump is switched on.
Pump is switched off.
Differential pressure setpoint is set to H = 5.0 m.
p-v control mode, control to variable differential pressure setpoint
(Fig. 8).
p-c control mode, control to constant differential pressure setpoint
(Fig. 9).
Manual control mode deactivates the control in the module. The pump's
speed is maintained at a constant value (Fig.11). The speed is set using
the control button or via the bus interface.
The pump is set to a constant speed (2.600 rpm in this case) (manual
control mode).
In manual control mode, the speed or nominal delivery head of p-c or
p-v operating mode of the pump is set via the 0-10 V input of the IF
Modules Siriux Ext.Off, Ext.Min and SBM. In this case, the control button
is without function for entering the setpoint.
p-T control mode, control to temperature-dependent differential
pressure setpoint (Fig. 10). The current H
control mode can only be activated using an IR operating and service
unit (accessory) or via the serial digital interface.
All settings at the module are disabled apart from fault acknowledge-
ment. Disabling is performed by the IR operating and service unit
(accessory). Adjustments and enabling can only be made using IR oper-
ating and service units (accessories).
The pump is operated via a serial data interface. The "On/Off" function
is not activated at the module. Only
and fault acknowledgement need to be set at the module. The IR oper-
ating and service unit (accessory) can be used to temporarily interrupt
operation at the interface (for checking, for reading out data). With cer-
tain IF Modules, the menu can be re-opened. (The menu can then still be
operated manually even though the module is connected) (see docu-
mentation of the IF Modules)
Pump is running as slave pump.
No change can be made at the display.
setpoint is displayed. This
, display position
Pompes Salmson 01/2013