6.9 Temperature compensation
Whenever the ambient temperature deviates from 20 ° C, measure-
ment compensation is possible according to the temperature deviation
based on the actual room temperature and the corresponding expan-
sion coefficient of the part. The indicated values are then converted
based on the standard temperature of 20 ° C.
In order to activate the temperature compensation option, press and
hold the button shown on the right-hand side for 2 seconds.
> 2 s
Enter the actual room temperature (value from 10 to 40, unit [° C]) and
press the Enter key to confirm.
Enter the expansion coefficient of the part (value from 0 to 200, unit
[10-6 K-1]) and press the Enter key to confirm.
Whenever the entered temperature deviates from the standard tempe-
rature of 20°, a "T" is shown on the display.