Installation and operating instructions Wilo-Stratos MAXO/-D/-Z
Put into operation
Diagnostics and measured values
Restore and reset
Table 18: Main menu symbols
After quitting the initial commissioning menu, all operations are initiated from the main
menu on the "Home screen". In this process, the current operating focus has been
highlighted in green. Turn the operating button to the left or right to focus on a differ-
ent main menu. The corresponding sub-menu for each focussed main menu is now dis-
played. Press the operating button to change the focus to the corresponding sub-
If the operating focus is on "Home screen" and you press the operating button, the set-
point editor is activated (yellow frame). You can adjust the setpoint value.
Press and hold the Back button
not on the main menu as a result of previous operational steps.
Each sub-menu is made up of a list of sub-menu items.
Each sub-menu item consists of a title and an information bar.
The title lists an additional sub-menu or a downstream settings dialogue.
The information bar shows descriptive information about the available sub-menu or the
downstream settings dialogue. The information bar of a settings dialogue shows the
adjusted value (e.g. a setpoint). With this display, you can check settings without hav-
ing to open the settings dialogue.
"Settings" sub-menu
Different settings can be changed in the "Settings" menu
Turn the operating button to the "Gear wheel" icon
Press the operating button to change the focus to the "Settings" sub-menu.
Turn the operating button to the left or right to select a sub-menu item. The selected
sub-menu item has been highlighted in green.
Press the operating button to confirm your selection. The selected sub-menu or down-
stream settings dialogue appears.
Set auto control
Settings assistant, setpoints, options
Manual operation
Manual override
Double pump operation
Set double pump
External interfaces
Analogue, digital, SSM, SBM
Fig. 39: Settings menu
for more than one second if the operating focus is
to select the "Settings" menu.
auto control via
manual intervention.