––– STEP 8 –––
These are the most important stage in the automation system installation
procedure in order to ensure the maximum safety levels.
Testing can also be adopted as a method of periodically checking that all
the various devices in the system are functioning correctly.
Testing and commissioning of the automation must be performed
by skilled and qualified personnel, who are responsible for the
tests required according to the risks present, and for ensuring
observance of all legal provisions, standards and regulations, and
in particular all requirements of the standard EN 12445, which
establishes the test methods for checking automations for gates.
01. Ensure that you have strictly complied with the instructions
and warnings in STEP 1.
02. Using the selector switch or the radio transmitter, carry out testing
of opening and closing the gate and check that the movement of
the leaf corresponds to what is expected. It is useful to perform sev-
eral tests to evaluate the freedom of movement of the gate and any
adjustment or installation faults, as well as the presence of particular
points of friction.
03. Check the proper operation of all the safety devices, one by one
(photocells, safety edges, etc.). In particular, each time a device is
activated, the "C" LED on the control unit emits a longer flash, con-
firming that the control unit has recognised this.
04. Measure the force as specified in the standard EN 12445. If the motor
force control is used as an auxiliary function for reduction of impact
force, test and identify the setting that obtains the best results.
Safety precautions for the test procedure:
• After any programming phase it is necessary to carry out a full wireless
connection system test to check the operation of these devices.
• As some test phases require tests to be carried out with the leaf moving,
and during the test automation may not be adequately safe, it is there-
fore recommended to use maximum caution when conducting these
• Repeat the whole test sequence for every single device in the wireless
connection network.
01. Make sure that you have followed all instructions described in this
manual and in particular the warnings in STEP 1 and STEP 3.
02. Activate the system "operational test" mode:
a) - ensure that all system devices are powered.
b) - Press and release P1 (fig. 38) on the control unit: this will activate the
system "operational test" mode.
c) - Press and release T1 on the transmitter so that a manoeuvre is com-
manded; while the wings are moving, observe led "B" for each device to
check whether the radio reception is sufficient or insufficient (m = Led on;
l = Led off):
m m m = optimal radio reception
m m l = good radio reception
m l l = sufficient radio reception
l l l = insufficient radio reception
If a single Led in one or more wireless devices is lit for the majority of the
manoeuvre duration, it is recommended that you improve the communi-
cation, by moving each of them as closely as possible to the control unit
antenna; sometimes just a few centimetres will solve the problem.
03. Check the alignment of the PH100W photocells. The indicator flash
emitted by Led "A" (fig. 39) on the photocells is as follows:
• in the TX photocell: one fast blink per second. The colour of the
flash depends on battery charge level as explained in footnote (*) in
table 16.
• in the RX photocell: 100ms flashing duration and frequency pro-
portional to alignment: from 1 second flash (= optimal signal) to Led
steady on (= signal absent). The colour of the flash depends on the
battery charge level, as explained in table 10.
04. Check that the photocells are functioning correctly, making sure in
particular that there is no interference with other devices: pass a 5 cm
diameter 30 cm long cylinder over the optical axis, first near TX, then
near RX and finally at the mid-point between the two (fig. 41); check
that in all three cases the RX photocell activates by moving from the
active state (led "A" in fig. 39 flashing), to the alarm state (led "A" in
fig. 39 steady on) and vice versa.
05. Check the operation of the FL100 indicator light: if this is set as a
courtesy light, the lamp remains lit; if it is set as the flashing indicator
the lamp emits a short flash every second.
06. Disable the system "operational test" mode: press and release P1 on
the control unit.
07. Command some manoeuvres and check that, on interposing a bar-
rier between each pair of photocells, the automation behaves as
specified in table 7.
Commissioning can take place only after all testing phases have
been terminated successfully. Partial or "makeshift" commission-
ing is strictly prohibited.
01. Draw up the technical dossier of the automation that should include
as a minimum: overall design (for example fig. 3), risk analysis and
related adopted solutions, manufacturer conformance declaration for
all the devices used (use Annex 1).
02. Post a label on the door providing at least the following data: type of
automation, name and address of manufacturer (person responsible
for the "commissioning"), serial number, year of manufacture and CE
03. Permanently affix the label present in the package to the gate, con-
cerning the manual operations of releasing and locking the gearmo-
04. Prepare the declaration of conformity of the automation system and
deliver it to the owner (use Annex 2).
05. Compile the usage guide for the automation system and deliver it to
the owner; for this purpose, the "Usage guide" annex (chapter 11.3)
can be used as an example.
06. Prepare the maintenance schedule of the automation system and
deliver it to the owner; it must provide all directions regarding the
maintenance of all the automation devices.
07. Before commissioning the automation, ensure that the owner is ade-
quately informed of all associated residual risks and hazards.
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