led LED B1 off
led LED B2 off
led LED B3 off
led LED B1 on
led LED B2 off
led LED B3 off
led LED B1 on
led LED B2 on
led LED B3 off
led LED B1 on
led LED B2 on
led LED B3 off
led LED B1 off
led LED B2 one quick flash
every 2 seconds (*)
led LED B3 on
(*) these indicators are seen only during the wireless network test phase (see paragraph 8.2 – Wireless devices test)
B1 = MINIMUM signal level - B2 = MEDIUM signal level - B3 = MAXIMUM signal level
Quick flashes
1 flash
1 second pause
1 flash
2 flashes
1 second pause
2 flashes
3 flashes
1 second pause
3 flashes
4 flashes
1 second pause
4 flashes
One flash every second
2 long flashes
1 flash every 5 seconds
Series of flashes separated by
a pause
Off *
TABLE 18 (PH100W - FL100W)
The automation is in test phase or in stand
by; bad quality of radio signal received from
wireless device
The automation is in test phase; poor quality
of radio signal received from wireless device
The automation is in test phase; good qual-
ity of radio signal received from wireless
The automation is in test phase; optimum
quality of radio signal received from wireless
Automation in movement and the solar pan-
el is charging the device batteries
Error in Power&Free System wireless
Triggering of a photocell
Action of the "motor force" limiting
Activation of the STOP input
TABLE 20 (fig. 48)
Serious malfunction
All OK
The status of the inputs has changed
Automation in "standby" mode
This is the same signal as on the flasher, see Table 19.
Activation of the STOP input
All OK
All OK
OPEN input activation
Insufficient radio communication; search for a better position for
the device
Limited radio communication; if possible, search for a better posi-
tion for the device
Normal operation
Normal operation
Normal operation
At the beginning of the manoeuvre, the devices present check does not
match those learned. It is possible that there are battery-powered devices
with no charge or which are faulty. If the device is faulty, proceed with
replacement, and carry out the procedure for removal of the failed device
and subsequent learning of the new one (paragraph 10.3.4)
At the start of the manoeuvre, one or more photocells are preventing
movement; check to see if there are any obstacles. During the move-
ment, if the obstacle is effectively present, no action is required
During the movement, the gate experienced excessive friction; identify
the cause
At the start of or during the manoeuvre, the STOP input was activated;
identify the cause
Make sure there is power supply; check to see if the fuses are
blown; if necessary, identify the reason for the failure and then
replace them with others of the same type
There is a serious malfunction; try switching off the control unit
for a few seconds; if the condition persists, it means there is a
malfunction and the circuit board has to be replaced
Normal operation of control unit
This is normal when there is a change in one of the inputs:
OPEN, STOP, triggering of photocells or the radio transmitter
is used
All OK; when a command arrives, the control unit will reset to
normal functioning (after a brief delay)
Check the devices connected to the STOP input
STOP Input active
OPEN input not active
Normal only if the device connected to the OPEN input is active
English – 27