Installation guide
Gas connections between internal unit
and external unit
Electrical connections are made af-
ter completing all hydraulic and gas
Device contains refrigerant fl uid.
Leaving fl uid can cause scalds.
When both indoor and outdoor units
shall be placed, proceed with the pipes
1. Shape the pipes by hand avoiding
pipes fl attening or kinking. Avoid
unnecessary turns and bends.
2. Remove protective caps from cop-
per tube ends.
3. Cut the tube to the requested
4. Remove the burrs with a reamer.
5. Remove fl are nuts from the unit
connections and place them on the
tube end.
6. Flare the tube with the fl aring tool.
(Flare end must not have any burrs
imperfections. The length of the fl a-
walls must be uniform.)
7. Align the centers of the connecting
8. Tighten the fl are nut as strong as
possible with your fi ngers. Tighten
it with torque wrench.
Use two spanners to unscrew or
tighten the valve fl are nut. If using
a single spanner, the nut cannot
be tightened with the necessary
tightening torque. Fix the pipes to
the wall with hooks or conduits.
Be sure to tighten the valves (A)
with a torque of 30 Nm, the plug (B)
with a torque of 5 Nm and the plug
(C) with a torque of 9 Nm.
Insuffi cient tightening torque will
cause gas leaks. Applying excessive
torque may damage the tube fl a-
ring and cause gas leaks.)
9. Evacuate the air in the connecting
pipes using a VACUUM PUMP.(For
the vacuum pump, check oil is fi lled
up to the specifi ed line of the oil
10. Check gas leaks at connected points
and open the fl are valves allowing
the gas to fi ll the entire system.
11. Wrap the valves and pipes with
anti-condensate insulation, or use
pipes already provided with insula-
Tighten with tape, without exerting
too much pressure on the insula-
Repair and cover any possible
cracks in the insulation.
Pipes storage
The end of the pipes must be sealed
using one of the following methods:
• Apply a cap to the end of the tube
• Pinch the end of the copper pipe
closed and braze any opening closed
• Cover the end of the copper pipe
with vinyl tape
Remember the key principles for re-
frigerant pipes handling
Air purging
1) Connect the charge hose to the
outdoor unit.
2) Connect the charge hose to the va-
cuum pump and keep the control
valves in the fully closed position.
3) Open LO handle completely.
4) Turn on the vacuum pump.
5) Proceed with evacuation until the
compound pressure gauge indi-
cates -101 kPA (after about 15 mi-
6) Close LO handle completely.
7) Turn off the vacuum pump.
8) Keep this status for 2 minutes while
checking that compound gauge's
pointer does not return.
9) Detach the vacuum pump.
10) Tightly secure the valve and caps of
the service port.
11) Replace caps and check for leaks
by using a leak detector specifi c
for HFC refrigerants. After the leak
check, fully open the three-way
In order to remove all the water that
can have condensed inside the pipes,
especially when the installation is done
when outside temperature is below 5°C,
follow the triple evacuation procedure
described here below:
1. Evacuate the system to 1000 mi-
crons from both service valves.
2. Break the vacuum with an inert gas
like nitrogen
3. Evacuate to 500 microns and repeat
the step 2
4. Evacuate to the lowest pressure that
the pump will achieve (200 microns
for a minimum of 1 hour) and check
that the vacuum will be maintained
for a minimum of 30 minutes after
that the pump is switched off .
Do not discharge the refrigerant gas to
the atmosphere.
Use a vacuum pump to discharge the
air remained in the set. If the air remains,
the capacity may decrease.
For what concerns the vacuum pump,
be sure to use one with backfl ow pre-
ventive function so that the oil in the
pump does not backfl ow into the pipe
of the air conditioner when the pump
Connect the vacuum pump to the fl are
valve of the bigger pipe.
Never use the system compressor as
a vacuum pump.
Never use the unit refrigerant gas
to purge the connecting pipes. (No
additional refrigerant has been pro-
vided in the unit for this purpose).
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