T1 to T6
Displays the value measured at the sensor (S1 - T1, S2 - T2, etc.). The display (unit)
depends on the settings of the sensor type.
Display types:
Temperature in °C
If in the SENSOR menu (main menu MEN) one sensor is set to OFF, then the value
display of this sensor is hidden at the main level.
Volume flow, shows the flow rate of the volume flow encoder in litres per hour
Wind velocity in km/h, if S6 is a wind sensor WIS01.
E1 to E9
Displays the values from external sensors which are read via the data link. Only
activated inputs are displayed.
ERR means that no valid value has been read. In this case the external value is set
to 0.
Speed stage, indicates the current speed stage. This menu item is only displayed if the
speed control is activated.
Display range: 0
Legionella function: number of days, in which the required minimum temperature was
not attained in the tank. This menu item is only displayed, if the legionella function is
Analogue level, indicates the current analogue level of the 0-10V output. This menu
item is only displayed if a control output has been activated. The number of control
outputs is displayed below the text rows.
Display range: 0
The current output of the heat counter indicated in kW.
Megawatt hours, indicates the megawatt hours of the heat counter.
Kilowatt-hours, indicates the kilowatt-hours of the heat counter.
When 1000 kWh have been reached the counter restarts at 0 and the MWh are
increased by 1.
Menu items kW, MWh, and kWh are only displayed if the heat counter has been
activated. The number of heat quantity counters is displayed below the text rows.
Radiation in W/m
(radiation sensor)
= output is off
= speed control is running at the highest stage
= output voltage = 0V or 0% (PWM)
= output voltage = 10V or 100% (PWM)
Digital status 1 =
ON (digital input)