Control setting
Test Measuring chain:
The sensor CAP65 is equipped with a piezo speaker to test the acoustic integrity of the microphone.
This string must be calibrated at the installation
This test will then be done at each startup and randomly. In case of default, a message will be integrated
into the history.
If the sensor such as CAP40/50 and CAP90 does not have this feature, disable this self test, by turning off
the button
General Purpose Output 1/ General Purpose Output 2:
The RJ45 output GPO1/GPO2 connector has two low voltage relay outputs to connect different
complementary elements (beacon, alarm), see 5 page 20.
This output allows to connect and supply the figurative displays AMIseries.
These two relays "GPO 1 and GPO2" are programmable at the same time in acoustic level, in weighting
A or C and in Leq 1s, 1min, 5min, 10min, 15min or 60 min.
Email Alerts setting
This page allows you to configure 3 types of alarms : E-mail Alert 1 ; E-mail Alert 2 ; E-mail Alert 3
This part allows to inform the site and the
particular localization on the site (in case of
a multi-room complex).
These two pieces of information will be
included in the event log and level histories.
Run Process
On each alarm you can program:
1s,1min,5min ,10 min,15min and 60 min.
Weighting A /Weighting C :
alarm in dB.
Alert Delay:
moment or an overshoot is detected and the
time or an alarm is generated.
Repetition in Hour:
hour before sending an e-mail information.
The reference Leq is: leq
Weighting A or C.
The trigger threshold of the
The delay time between the
Number of alerts in the