This page called "Leq fullscreen", allows to display in full screen the level of three Leq (for example
LAeq1s, LAeq15min and LCeq15min). It is optimized to work on a Full HD screen (1920x1080).
- The choice of Leq for each display is 1s, 1min, 5min, 10min, 15min and 60min.
- The display color can be scalable depending on the level.
- The color change thresholds are the same as for the Led display of AFFserie-3,
Alarm 2 Threshold
- The Bargraph on the right side is a predictive trend indicator based on the Leq 1min, with levels
ranging from -6dB to +6dB. This is a reflection of the indicator to the left of the AFFserie-3
The levels taken into account in A and C are those programmed on the web server
They are called at the bottom left of the fullscreen screen: Limit: xxxdBA / xxxdBC.
The level that is taken into account comparatively between the A and the C is the one of the two
which is preponderant.
The display color can be scalable depending on the level.
C - History: downloading data
AFFseries-3 (AFF18-3, AFF25-3 and AFF32-3) it offers the download of data in three different
formats: TXT (text), CSV (excel, numbers) and HTML.
Specify the desired start and
end dates, and press "start".
The search for data begins
History download page
Attention : AFF17-3 display does not record, so
this page can not be accessed.
The HTML format allows to generate a web page of the history with graphics of each "Leq" recorded.
Printing is done directly with the "print" function of your favorite internet browser (Files-> Print).
The AFFserie3 also allows the download of the history on USB key in CSV format (Excel, number)
See 9 page 21 for details.
Graph of Leq in A-weighting
Graph of Leq in C-weighting
Event History
Alarm 1 Threshold
Leq Limit Manager
File download windowin
CSV or TXT format