Valve and actuator variations
These instructions cannot claim to cover all details of all possible product variations, nor in particular can
they provide information for every possible example of installation, operation or maintenance. This means
that the instructions normally include only the directions to be followed by qualified personnel where the
product is being used for it's defined purpose. If there are any uncertainties in this respect particularly in
the event of missing product-related information, clarification must be obtained via the appropriate
FLOWSERVE sales office.
Check valves for correct functioning at regular intervals (depending on the application and criticallity) as
follows. This check can be made when installed and in many cases without interrupting production.
Examine gaskets for leaks and if necessary re-tighten fasteners.
Check bellows gasket and test connection - if present - for external leaks.
Check valve for damage caused by corrosive residues or corrosive vapours.
Clean valves and if necessary repaint.
Check glands for leakage. Adjust as necessary. See Installation, Operating and Maintenance manual
(IOM) for detailed information.
NOTE: An excessively tightened gland nut can cause excessive packing wear and can hinder
the free movement of the plug stem.
If possible, open and close valve and check for maximum stroke and smooth movement of the plug stem.
Irregular movement of the plug stem may indicate internal defects.
NOTE: With graphite packing, irregular movement of the plug stem is possible.
DANGER: Keep hands, hair, clothing, etc. away from all moving parts. Failure to do so can lead
to serious injury.
Check all accessories for firm seating.
If possible, close supply pressure and check the fail-safe position.
Check stem boot for wear.
Check actuator for leaks. To do this, spray housing, air connections and plug stem guide with leak spray
and check for any bubble formation.
Clean plug stem.
Check air filter, if present, and if necessary replace insert.
NOTE: For further information please contact your nearest FLOWSERVE location. IOM's are
available in English, German, French and various other languages.