Brillant LED display
The units support the Modbus function 16 (0x10) Write Multiple Registers
In case of a bus error minus signs appear in the display.
Time-out function
Parameterization via menu
Plug-in screw terminal strip
Status indicators
The units with 25 mm character heights have on the back side status indicators
(LEDs) with the following meaning:
The unit is supplied with voltage.
Data transfer active (short flashing)
Data transfer faulty (short flashing)
The units must be parameterized before they can be controlled. Parameterization is
done in a menu (see 'Parameterization').
The units accept the Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) as an operation mode.
They are slaves in the sense of the Modbus over serial line specification and
implementation guide and support the code 16 (0x10) Write Multiple Registers
according to the Modbus application protocol specification.
The indications in the above mentioned documentation are to be observed. Both
documentations are available at 'www.modbus.org'.
For the Modbus control the RS485 interface is to be used. The RS232 interface is
determined for testing and not to be used as Modbus interface.
Attention! In the following diagrams SGD is the signal ground of the RS485
interface. For units with 14 mm character height (S102-xx/14/0x-00x/0B-
M0) SGD corresponds to the COM terminal and for units with 25 mm
character height (S102-xx/25/0x-00x/0B-M0) to the GND terminal.
BAL S102 MDB M 1.0