3.5.2 Procedure : working radio frequency channel programming
1- Switch on the UDR receiver.
2- Insert the electronic key in the UDE transmitter unit.
3- Holding buttons n°1 and n°2 pressed, unlock the stop palmswitch on the transmitter (fig.1).
The radio channel already selected is indicated by two flashing indicator lights on the transmitter
which represent the tens (red) and units (green).
If transmitter red and green indictor lights flash in alternation :
The electronic key is locked. Press the stop palmswitch button and follow procedure described
on chapter §3.5.1. Start again this procedure at point Nb.3.
4- Select the new channel using buttons n°1 and n°2 (fig.2&3).
Press button n°1 to increment the tens and button n°2 to increment the units.
During these operations, the newly selected channel is displayed by the 2 indicator lights on the
transmitter which flash accordingly.
5- Once the desired channel is selected (between 01 and 64 for 433-434MHZ/911-918MHz bands or
01 to 12 for 869MHz band), press the "On/Horn" button to validate your selection (fig.4).
Briefly pressing "On/Horn" button : the transmitter sends the selected radio channel number to
the receiver and saves its new working radio channel (fig. 5).
By pressing and holding the "On/Horn" button (3 seconds) : the transmitter sends the selected
channel number to the receiver (on each of the radio link channels between 01 to 64 for 433-
434MHZ/911-918MHz bands or 01 to 12 for 869MHz band) and saves its new working channel.
Wait until the transmitter indicator lights no longer flash (around 30 seconds) (fig. 5)
(this longer procedure is preferable and should be performed when you are not familiar with the initial
working channel of the receiver).
6- Exit the "frequency" programming mode by pressing the stop palmswitch button (fig.6).
7- Check that the UDR receiver has changed channel by performing the startup procedure.
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